Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Biostatistics Education Summer Training Program

LA’s Biostatistics Education Summer Training program at USC (LA’s BEST@USC) provides an opportunity for outstanding undergraduate college students in math and science to gain exposure to public health research as biostatisticians/health data scientists at the Keck School of Medicine of USC. Applicants from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged.

Click HERE for more information.

CSU Student Research Competition

Have you completed most of the work for your senior project or Master’s thesis and are you eager to share the results? Would you like to compare your work to that of other students throughout California? Are you interested in gaining external recognition that will be valued by a graduate school or employer?

The CSU’s Annual Student Research Competition gives you the opportunity to do just that – while also competing for cash prizes!

This year’s competition will be held at Cal State East Bay. For more information and competition guidelines, visit our website. Please contact your faculty advisor and/or college dean’s office if you are interested. We will continue to update our website as we receive more information from Cal State East Bay- please check back regularly.

Important Dates:
January 23rd, 2020: Deadline for submission of college-nominated projects to the Office of Research and Economic Development. Please contact your college for its preliminary deadline (you must submit your project to your dean’s office prior to this date and they will send your project to the Office of Research and Economic Development).

February 22nd, 2020: On-campus review of student presentations and selection of entries to CSU statewide competition.

March 17th, 2020 (tentative date; East Bay will release the exact date soon): If selected for statewide competition, deadline for registration with Cal State East Bay (more info).

April 24-25th, 2020: Statewide competition at Cal State East Bay.