Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Introducing Women in Science at Cal Poly !

If you are interested in joining a club aimed at providing a community and resources for people in STEM fields see the attached email from Women in Science at Cal Poly:

Dear Cal Poly BCSM Departments -

It is with great excitement that we are announcing the revival of Women in Science at Cal Poly. With this club, we hope to foster the success of all collegiate women pursuing a career in science and promote diversity in the STEM fields. 

We want to reach as many people in science-related majors as possible. We would be thrilled if you could share our interest form with your students, so that we can begin to create a community for all Women in Science here at Cal Poly! 
Interest form link: 
For more information about the club: 
Attached is a poster with info and contacts. 
We will begin events in Fall 2023, but we would like to gauge interest as soon as possible. Please let us know if there are any questions, and feel free to direct inquiries to this email address. 
Thank you for your time, 
Women in Science 
Cal Poly SLO  
President - Elisabeth Stodola  
Advisor - Alexis Pasulka
Connect with us!  
Instagram: @wis_cp

Friday, May 19, 2023

Institute for Statistical and Data Science: Free 1-hour Introduction Seminars to NVivo, MAXQDA, ATLAS.ti, Dedoose, and QDA Miner


Institute for Statistical and Data Science
Instats is dedicated to helping researchers tackle their data-analytic challenges by providing hands-on training and expert consulting
Featured Free Seminars
Instats is pleased to announce five new livestreaming 1-hour introductions to NVivo, MAXQDA, ATLAS.ti, Dedoose, and QDA Miner by Dr Christina Silver, manager of the CAQDAS Networking Project. Registration for these introductions to leading qualitative software packages is entirely free, and each workshop is designed to provide participants with a dynamic overview of the software interfaces, importing and managing data, coding and analysis methods, and visualization and reporting tools. To register for free, you can use the following links -- and please feel free to tell any colleagues or students who you think might be interested!
Head over to today to check out our many upcoming livestream seminars as well as our library of on-demand offerings. With any questions please feel free to get in touch at
 Upcoming Live-Streaming Seminars
Live-streaming seminars are delivered over 2 days and include interactive tutorials, discussion, and activities. To enable asynchronous learning, recordings of all sessions and instructor support are available for 30 days.
May 31st & June 1st
Instructor: Dr Tenko RaykovMeasurement and Quantitative Methods Graduate Program, 
Michigan State University
This workshop covers mechanisms (types) and patterns of missing data, and state-of-the-art best practices for handling missingness: (1) full information maximum likelihood and (2) multiple imputation methods. The flaws of traditional methods for dealing with missing data will also be covered and hands-on illustrations using real world data will be provided throughout using the highly popular latent variable modeling package Mplus. No prior knowledge of Mplus is assumed or required, and all data examples used are carried out with the freely downloadable demo version.
June 5th, 6th & 7th
Instructor: Dr Dave Armstrong
Centre for Computational and Quantitative Social Science, University of Western Ontario
This seminar introduces interactive graphs that can be made easily in R and shows how to incorporate those interactive elements into a dashboard that you can use to powerfully communicate your research results. Topics include an overview of ggplots, turning ggplots into interactive visualizations, making interactive network graphs and maps, and combining interactive elements into dashboards. Finally, we discuss how to host these dashboards so others can interact with them.
June 5th, 6th, & 7th  
Instructor: Dr Mariola Moeyaert
School of Education, University at Albany, and Statistical Solutions Inc.
This seminar will introduce you to advanced meta-analytic methods. Commonly encountered meta-analytic topics and issues will be covered, including meta-regression models, methods for handling multiple effect sizes per study (i.e., dependent effect sizes), missing data, publication bias, meta-analysis SEM, and single-case experiments meta-analysis. During this seminar, participants will learn how to use RStudio to model these commonly encountered complexities. Hands-on exercises will be incorporated throughout the seminar.  

LS 350 Summer Course

 Need an upper-division D GE that also meets the USCP requirement?  Consider taking LS 350 online this summer!  “Identity and Equity in American Education” is an interdisciplinary examination of school, family, and community relationships at the school and classroom level. In this class, you will examine the role of teachers' and students' intersectional identities and how they relate to school achievement, disciplinary, and life-course outcomes, as well as the school-to-prison-to-deportation pipeline and educational equity.  Registration is open now – sign up soon!

If you need additional information, you can contact the LS Department Coordinator, Bronwyn Ciccone at

Friday, May 12, 2023

Data Analyst Position - Computer Engineering Department

The Computer Engineering Department is currently recruiting a student data analyst. If you're interested in the position, see the handshake link below for more information on the role and how to apply!

If you have any more questions, contact Donna Aiken, the administrative coordinator for the Computer Engineering Department at