Monday, January 27, 2020

Upcoming Conferences - Travel Funding Available

Dr. Kelly Bodwin has put together the following list of upcoming conferences. The department would like to encourage you to consider submitting your work to conferences. These conferences are also a great chance to meet people in the field, and they frequently lead to job and grad school connections. 

The Statistics department does have funding available to support student travel. Funds are limited, so if you are considering attending a conference please contact Katie Doctor ( in the Statistics Department office ASAP to discuss the possibility of receiving funding.

July 7-10
St. Louis, MO
Submission Deadline: Feb 3rd
This is the main annual R-focused conference.
For this one, I don't know if they do posters or not - you would submit an abstract here and see what happens!
Make sure your abstract emphasizes the R aspects of your project.

Knowledge, Data, and Discovery
August 22-27
San Diego, CA
Submission Deadline: Feb 13
This is a very well-respected conference for computer science, statistics, data science, etc.
You would probably want to submit in the "Applied Data Science" category, in the "Evidential" sub-category.
This is a fairly competitive conference, with no poster format option, so don't be discouraged if you are not accepted.

SDSS 2020
June 3-6
Pittsburgh, PA
Submission Deadline: March 10
This is a smaller, data-science focused conference. Two of last year's Senior Project students attended.
I would suggest submitting an e-poster.

Women in Statistics and Data Science
October 1-3
Pittsburgh, PA
Submission Deadline: April 2
This conference is similar to SDSS, but with a focus on female and nonbinary presenters and attendees.
Male-identifying folks are welcome to attend and sometimes present, but you are less likely to be selected.

Joint Statistical Meetings
August 1-6
Philadelphia, PA
Submission Deadline: April 16th
This is the largest stat conference very year. It is fun to attend because of the variety, but it is less fun to present at because there are SO many talks, attendance is typically low.
For this one, you could reasonably submit for a short talk rather than only a poster - they may "downgrade" you to a poster anyways, but it can't hurt to try!

WUSS 2020
September 9-11
San Diego, CA
Submission Deadline: July 19
This conference was previously focused on SAS, but is now opening up to all statistical software.
As a bonus, Dr. Glanz is a director for this conference, and I will be in attendance