Cal Poly is participating in a statewide service and career development program ---#CaliforniansForAll College Corps.
If you’re looking for a way to make a positive difference in the community and give back to others while exploring future career paths and building valuable skills, consider applying for the program. Through College Corps, Fellows will gain hands-on work experience with nonprofits or government agencies in San Luis Obispo focusing on climate action, K-12 education, or food insecurity. Plus, you’ll earn $10,000 (pre-tax) through a living allowance ($7,000) in regular disbursements during your service plus an education award ($3,000) upon the completion of 450 service hours.
The program is open to full-time undergraduate students and applications received by March 17 will be given priority review.
Visit for more details about the program and to make sure you qualify.
We look forward to hearing from you!
The College Corps Team
Cal Poly State University | San Luis Obispo, CA 93407