Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Institution for Statistical and Data Science: Introduction to QCA with R- On Demand Session


Last Chance to Register
April 12, April 13, April 14  
+ 11 On-Demand sessions

Last chance to register for the upcoming 3-day Instats seminar Introduction to QCA (Qualitative Comparative Analysis) with R with professor Carsten Schneider, running April 12-14. This seminar introduces applied set-theoretic methods for the social sciences, focusing on Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). This method is used in fields as diverse as political science, public policy, international relations, sociology, business and management, organizational studies, and even musicology. This seminar will enable participants to produce a publishable QCA of their own. To achieve this, the seminar provides both the formal set-theoretical underpinnings of QCA as well as the technical and practical research skills necessary for performing a QCA. All applied components of the seminar are performed in the R software environment, using RStudio (Cloud) and R packages QCA and SetMethods.

This introductory seminar is part of a two-seminar QCA course, Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) in R: From Beginning to Advanced Applications. The second seminar on Advanced QCA covers recent development in QCA and follows from this first seminar in the series. By registering for the two-seminar series, participants save 10% on the price of both.

Carsten Q. Schneider (PhD 2004, European University Institute (EUI)) is Professor of Political Science and Pro-Rector for External Relations at Central European University (CEU) in Vienna. Schneider’s substantive area of research is the comparative analysis of political regimes and their transformation and stability. In his research on social science research methods, Schneider specializes set-theoretic methods, in particular Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). In the past ten years, he has written three books on QCA, all published with Cambridge University Press. The latest one in this series, entitled ‘Set-Theoretic Multi-Method Research: A Guide to Combining QCA and Case Studies’, is forthcoming in 2023. His 2012 co-authored book ‘Set-Theoretic Methods for the Social Sciences: A Guide to Qualitative Comparative Analysis’ (Cambridge University Press)has become one of the key references in the field of QCA, with over 2600 citations to date. His research has been published in leading social science journals, such as Political Analysis, Sociological Methods and Research, Comparative Political Studies, and the European Journal of Political Research, and is widely referenced (over 7400 citations on Google Scholar) by scholars from across the social sciences. Schneider was an elected member of the German Academy of Young Scientists, and he won the David Collier Mid-Career Achievement Award of the American Political Science Association (APSA) section on Qualitative and Multi-Method Research

To achieve his goal of further improving and expanding the toolset of researchers using QCA, Schneider not only has published extensively on the subject, over the past 15 years he has also taught several dozens of QCA and set-theoretic courses, workshops, and methods schools in Europe, the US, Latin America, and beyond. He is also co-author of the R package SetMethods, a toolkit that offers the implementation of the most recent advanced analytic steps in QCA.
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