Friday, June 16, 2023

2023 Modern Math Workshop at SACNAS NDiSTEM | Applications for funding due July 28, 2023

 Please see email below from Director of Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation: 

Dear Department of Statistics,

I am writing to ask you to encourage your students to apply for the upcoming Modern Math Workshop.

The Modern Math Workshop (MMW) is a two-day workshop which will take place in conjunction with the 2023 NDiSTEM Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS). It will showcase contemporary research happening at NSF-funded mathematical sciences institutes around the country. It grew out of a similarly named yearly event originally organized by MSRI and first held at Howard University in 2002. It became a collaboration with SACNAS in 2006 and has been jointly organized by the Mathematical Sciences Institutes since 2008. Since 2011 this event has been funded by the NSF through the Mathematical Sciences Institute Diversity Initiative. This year, IMSI is the lead organizer for the MMW. The workshop is a mix of activities including research expositions aimed at graduate students and researchers, mini-courses aimed at undergraduates, a keynote lecture by a distinguished scientist, and a reception where participants can learn more information about the Mathematical Sciences Institutes. This page will be updated as specifics about workshop activities become available.

The Modern Math Workshop encourages undergraduates from underrepresented groups to pursue careers in the mathematical sciences, and builds research and networking opportunities among undergraduates, graduate students and recent PhDs. Funding is available to cover travel and lodging and SACNAS NDiSTEM registration for participants in the MMW, as well as to fund lodging for MMW participants who also wish to attend the NDiSTEM conference. Interested students can apply at: Please note that they will need to register on IMSI's website before proceeding to the application.

Questions may be directed to

Best regards,

Kevin Corlette

Director, Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation