On behalf of the Cal Poly Accounting Club, you are invited to our annual OCOB Olympics and Fall Symposium!
Fall Symposium (Career Fair for Full-Time Job and Internship Opportunities)
About: Fall Symposium is CPAC's fall career fair focused on providing students of all grade levels with the opportunity to learn about and become acquainted with professional accounting and finance firms from the Big Four, national, regional, local, industry, and government. For more information on which firms will be attending, please check out the Cal Poly Accounting Club website (https://www.polycpac.com/) under the events tab. Light refreshments and snacks will be provided. You can sign up for Fall Symposium through our Eventbrite Here.
What to bring: Dress code is business professional attire. Please bring multiple copies of your resume and a folder if needed.
When: Friday, October 6th, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
OCOB Olympics (Games and Networking Event)
About: OCOB Olympics is the Cal Poly Accounting Club’s networking and annual charity event that provides students and professionals the opportunity to socialize and play interactive games in a casual environment. Join us for an exciting evening filled with entertainment and the opportunity to win big prizes! Be among the first 50 students to check in and receive a complimentary t-shirt, plus enjoy delicious food throughout the event.
This event is free for students, and all the proceeds from this event will go to San Luis Obispo’s regional foundation: SLO Food Bank. The SLO Food Bank distributes meals to individuals and communities in need with ingredients sourced from local food rescue programs. The organization is dedicated to alleviate hunger and build a healthier local community. You can learn more about the SLO Food Bank here: https://www.slofoodbank.org/. You can sign up for OCOBO through our Eventbrite Here.
When: Thursday, October 5th, 2023 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Best Regards,
OCOB Olympics Committee
Fall Symposium Committee