Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Interested in Sustainable Global Development?


Interested in Sustainable Global Development?


Engineers Without Borders, Cal Poly is a student-led non-profit organization that supports community-driven development programs worldwide through the design and implementation of sustainable engineering projects, while creating multidisciplinary and leadership experiences for students. With four international project teams in Fiji, Kenya, Nicaragua, and Local, we work to address issues such as water, education, food security, sanitation, and energy by collaborating with our partnered communities. 


We are hoping to diversify the majors represented in our club in order to fill roles in business and cultural sub teams as well as to harness cross-disciplinary perspectives in designing holistic solutions that fit the needs of our communities.


Whether you're passionate about business development, cultural insights, leadership opportunities, or making a positive impact, EWB has a place for you.


Join us for Crash Course (7-9 PM on 10/2, 10/9, 10/16, and 10/23 in the ATL (Room 07-02)), where you’ll learn about the EWB project process, community-centered design, and everything you need to know to join a project team and make a difference!


Go to to sign up for our mailing list, club Slack channel and all other links.